Green Island for Army Training
When I was a little girl, I liked black female doll, because I thought “black is beautiful”, my mother always said; "It is ugly to die." But I was very stubborn, I liked my black dolls.
Every girl just likes the white skin, she put on some whitening cosmetics, but I love tanning. I was the fifth of junior senior college, I often went to the beach at noon to hand my body to the sun and I tanned my legs, arms and face, my mother said: "I am like coal tanning." But I had maintained the black skin for a long time, and with a few days later, I was blisters, peeling, and turning to red skin and I changed into the original condition as before.
When I was Training College in Australia, the second semester of first year, I was called by God to go to Africa, my heart has always had a heart for Africa - the black heart; it has been beating so strong, and I have been dripping my blood for African events. I hope that I will become a missionary in Africa through the history of women missionaries, and I hope to become God of the Psalms, it is from beginning to end, I will be a servant of God, that God has entrusted me to complete it, then I'll be satisfied.