2011年2月3日 星期四

21. I have found

Pastor White baptized me

In 1977, the signs posted everywhere, and said "I’ve found." Then I accepted in the same building where the fourth floor tenant Mama Chu's invitation to Mei Ren Li church, and then I joined the Junior Fellowship, because someone picked me up, and I would stay there, there were people phoned me and cared about me, then I felt deeply someone who loved me in the Lord.

After I went to this church for six months, I was being invited to be baptized, for the first time I declined, on the eve of the second baptism, the church people said to me: "If you were baptized, they will be more care and more love over you." And they said; "Baptism is very simple ", just said, “three times of yes", you could do it. In order to win everyone who loves me, I went baptized.

That was on 31st of December, the temperature was low, they were baptized with warm water, and there were a Pastor White who asked me three questions, I answered "yes", when I baptized over, I swam to another side, I thought to myself, and said; "Swimming is fun, I would like to play again."

I found Him really? I did not know truly, since I was not as same as people have said ─ salvation, and they said about Jesus, Where is He?

