I studied Chemical Engineering second semester started to memorize Scripture verses, I recited a verse daily, I was often walking to review, or riding a bike to memorize, or going Luo Dong Night Market on the bus, I watched the outside scenery through the window, I memorized all the way to the Luo Dong main station, I memorized more verses, my heart filled more with joy by those verses, and the Words of God also nourished my spirit, soul and body's needs.
After that, it began memorized Hymns, and singing; "Jesus! Jesus! Sweetest voice ..."; I could sing all the way to Yilan, or while riding bicycle while singing Hymns, my heart of joy showed from my voice, sometimes I was laughing, sometimes smiling, walking with Jesus, nice!
At school, God was with me all the time, I often prayed the Lord for inquiry, even buy the clothes, I asked the Lord and He said; "good-looking or ugly? 'I would pray every big or small or Praise the Lord! That kind of simple pure heart, I had often thought back, I could come back the beginning style, I just trusted Him, and it would be more wonderful!