2024年6月27日 星期四

98. God said in the wind, “Go to Zacapa”


People for Mission short team mission

When the W mission finally decided to send me back to Taiwan, I wept for many days, fasted and prayed for three days, and then I received a call from the American People for missionary couple, and I burst into tears as soon as I heard the voice of Sister Bess, who and her husband had invited me to live with them in Zacapa, and who had asked Colin to allow me to join their mission, and now I had to wait for a response.

After hanging up the phone, I was walking through the streets of the old city (Antigua) when suddenly there was a strong wind, and after the wind I heard the Lord said, “Go to Zacapa.” On the same day God closed the door of the W mission, and He opened the way to Zacapa, and the Lord told me, “Zacapa is surrounded by mountains.” At that time, before I visited Zacapa, God gave me the verses of Isaiah 55:12, said, “You shall come forth with joy and joy, and be led in peace; and the mountains and the hills shall sing before you, and the trees of the fields shall clap their hands.” When the missionary couple took me to Zacapa, I saw cleanly that Zacapa was surrounded by mountains, and the road was lined with trees, and the trees were blown by the wind, and the sound was like singing and clapping, and then peace and joy flowed into our hearts, and words could not describe it for a while.

I entered People for Missions in Zacapa as a computer teacher as missionary, flew in from the United States to interview me, and he shared, “He and his wife prayed for me for a long time until they knew in peace that I should join.” Colin and the mission director of Guatemala asked me about my faith and the direction of my ministry, and Colin agreed me to join PFM and held a sending service for me, Colin said, “God Himself sent me to Zacapa, and I can't send a service for me in the church in Taiwan, they will do it for me.” Some leaders laid hands on me and prayed for me to officially become a People for Missions missionary.

