2024年6月26日 星期三

91. Baptized with the Holy Spirit


Baptizing Prayer

After baptism, the heart is filled with joy

I have walked in the Lord all my life, and when I was spiritually bad, Satan always accused me of being baptized, and I was not saved, because I was baptized without understanding Jesus, and I wanted to receive another conviction baptism.

Once, when the Apostolic house church I went to was going to have a baptism, I went to sign up, and three of them were holding back, and I was the only one left to be baptized, and the church wanted to hold it another day, and I called the church elders and said, “The temptation I have been through this week is too strong, if I am not baptized, I will retreat in the future.” After the call, my heart was filled with joy and I knew I had done the right thing.

On Saturday, I sat in my chair and couldn't sleep all night, because the period time blood flowed out like a faucet, and I prayed to God, “When I am baptized, my blood will cease until I am baptized.” The next day was the Lord's Day, before I testified, I went to take the tampon and wiped it with toilet paper, but there was not a drop of blood, I went out to testify of my salvation, the Pastor prayed and baptized me, when I was immersed in the water, and when I got up again, my whole body was full of electricity, my whole body trembled, two sisters lifted me up from the water, and the joy of God filled me, and all the kingdoms of Satan were silent before the Lord, and God raised me from the dead with me.

When I went back to the toilet to change my clothes, my period came back, God stopped my blood from the time of testimony to my baptism, noone has the ability to do this, only Jesus can do signs and wonders, I will never forget what the Lord did to me on March 21, 1999, and He will do it again now, and do even greater things.

