2024年6月26日 星期三

92. Yu Guang


I would like to introduce one of my spiritual friends, Sister Wan Yuguang, who is my best Christian friend and my intercessory partner on the mission journey, and I would like to share her testimony with you.

Sister Yuguang was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer, and she pushed her wheelchair to pray for the Lord. I was attending a course on inner healing, and when I met her at the Mount of Prayer; God immediately responded to me, “She is my spiritual companion.” Not only do we prayed together, we served together, we cared for cancer patients, we visit them, we prayed for them, we walked with them in their last years, and we preached the gospel to them.

Yuguang is very good at encouraging, teaching, planning and scheduling services. I was studying at MTC and learned that her nasopharyngeal cancer had recurred, so we fasted and prayed together, she fasted and prayed for 14 days, and we both thought that God would heal her, and when we went to the hospital for a check-up, her cancer tumor was not easy to fly away because God had done great things for her.

She saw the importance of missions, and God put the Sultan of Africa in her heart, a poor country, and God told her, “Africa is going to become a green grass garden.” She trusted the Lord alone. In the end, God called her to go to seminary, and although the treatment of cancer electrotherapy burned out her good and bad cells, she was in the Lord, patiently waiting for God, sharing her testimony with more cancer friends, and bringing out God's love, walking with them through that painful healing, giving them encouragement and real comfort in the Lord.

