2024年6月25日 星期二

88. Love the Lord more


                                     First Year group show

I was a student at Australian Mission College, and I set a goal of being average, spiritually first, and spiritually uninterrupted. To achieve this goal, it is really not easy, there were too many homework and quizzes, even Australian students couldn't bear it, let alone me? I took every course, and some Korean students only took some credits, which were a bit unbearable, and the smiles on our faces became less and less, and the pressure became more and more intense.

In order for me to have a spiritual life, I have to get up an hour early to do devotion, I get up at 4 o'clock every morning, read Bible and pray for an hour, and then do my Survey Bible study or other homework, or other quizzes. I realized that I would be able to finish my homework for the day every time I had an hour of devotion, and that I would have to take a day off on Sunday to rest my mind and recharge.

In the first half of the first year, I performed well, but in the second half of the year, the pressure became more and more intense, and some unfair things happened, and I didn't dare to tell the school, and I was tormented, because my roommate lent all her homeworks, big exams, small exams and homework for a year, and a couple got A's in every subject, but I worked very hard and could only get B or B-, I was very discouraged, and I felt unfair, and I didn't dare to say it, because this senior sister was already dissatisfied with me.

There was another bad news in Taiwan, my best spiritual friend sister had a cancer recurrence and the mother church pastor had a violent hepatitis C, the pressure of schoolwork was very high, I couldn't finish what I could do, I started crying, and the MTC classmates prayed for me, I could only cry non-stop, and gradually I stopped contacting people, locked myself in my room, and did not eat in the cafeteria, I shared with a senior sister with anxiety, she said, “I have anxiety disorder.” She took me to visit one of the school leaders, and he asked me to see a psychiatrist and take anti-anxiety medication, but I chose to read the Bible and pray, and every time I was sad, I read the Psalms, tears dripped down my pages of the Bible, and I used prayer to complete all my homework and final exams.

I was waiting for the evaluation of the college, everyone had interviewed, only I had not been interviewed, and when the deadline came, the school finally interviewed me, and they saw that I loved the Lord very much, and I could come back to the second grade, and my grades were still in the middle. As for the cheating couple, only God can judge them, and God told me, “I'm jealous of the wicked because I did it myself.” One day, I saw the back of this sister who prayed eight hours a day, with her whole head full of gray hair, and I saw God's justice on display, and I realized how important it is to have a pure heart, and that I have the mind of the Lord to keep my heart and mind, and He will keep me in His will.

