2024年5月1日 星期三

31. Seventeen, eighteen years old for making a friend


Fu Hsing Junior college forth year

In Chinese tradition, the women must be married, they should work hard the cows and horses, then they gave born babies and raised them up, I could not see women were respected and valued.

In the seventeen years old, I met a Christian friend, we were often studying together, I treated him as an ordinary friend, he thought I was his girlfriend, I personally could not accept people who are not having definite opinions and having difficult to make any decisions. I also prayed for him for a long period of time, and until I went to his house for playing, his mother’s words have stimulated, I was what she said, and then she really did not like me, maybe she thought I was too short, possibly I was not good enough for her son, I think even if he and his family are the Christians, what can it be? When I was at the beginning of the Christian faith, I knew God too little, I always suffered, because of his mother, I   wanted to give up my belief, and I thought that the Christians were like her, why should I believe God?

In those days, my faith was wavering, evangelist Brother Chen because that guy talked to me for several times, that time, I was very young, and thought, "Who can be killed, but I can not be humiliated." Since then, I did ignore him. This was a great impact for my future friend, I was afraid the guy’s family did not like me; I felt I was very cute. My principle was just to be friends for dating, if he wanted to be my boyfriend, I would alienate our relationship. I was scared in my heart, and I was afraid of the hurting again by the family discouraged words, but also I was fear people who criticized assertion.

I believe that God has given each person who is valuable, as long as people, we need to respect each others and God uses us. On one occasion, OMF Main General Pastor Lin sighed and said; "He has promoted mission for more than six years, why not a single brother was sent out? Does God only call for sisters, not calling for brothers?" Then he cried in front of us all.

Women in God's eyes are the same as the men. Every time I saw so many single sisters embark on the roads of mission as the missionaries, they made the great sacrifices, then Oh single brothers! Where are you then? Where is your courage? You might as well do it than sisters? Do not wait to get married, dare to come out as the missionaries, you can now respond to God's call, let's go out! Let us work together for the kingdom of God now!

The single brothers go out for the Lord Jesus as the missionaries who are blessed. In Central America, South America, Africa and China etc. as the Third World countries. If you can not enable to cooking and cleaning, etc., you can hire very cheap salaries for cleaning housekeepers, you can also be surrounded by the local beautiful girls every day, why don’t act it with joy?


As I wrote this article, God said to me: "I do not forgive that brother's mother, and I hid his words inside of me that I should forgive her and release these words."

After that, I decided to forgive her, she might hear, maybe she was alive, the Lord gave me the courage to forgive those who have hurt me and acted injustice, I have courage to face, not reserve in my heart, those hurts did not become pains forever. Lord, release me, as same as like the apostle Paul said; "Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)

